Our experts

Our employees come from the business world or have worked as journalists for a long time. Personal and long-standing contacts with opinion makers from the media, politics, associations and NGOs are what set us apart. The trust that Engel & Zimmermann enjoys among journalists opens up access to important media for our customers.

Management board

Strategist with a soft spot for mountains and classic cars
Dr. Andreas Bachmeier
Managing Director (Speaker)
on the road in terms of sustainability
Frank Schroedter
Managing Director
My Work-Life Balance: Coffee & QiGong
Eva-Maria Eichenseher
Member of the Management Board

Our Team

always has little nuts in the drawer
Tanja Benkert
Corporate development
Always a book in my handbag.
Barbara Besser
likes shopping for fonts
Jenny Choi-Louis
Senior Art Director
Kathrin Ettinger
Florian Feichtmeier
Always up for an exciting story and milk tea
Lisa Felgendreff
Junior consultant
has a double life as a graffiti artist
Marcela Gloria
Art director
Dinah Gilles
Junior consultant (NRW Office)
Jan-Lukas Henning
Consultant (NRW Office)
Nadine Hofer
Head of consulting
Wilken Hustert
Junior consultant
Peter Jordan
Head of Unit Crisis
takes everything literally
Julia Kirschner
Humor helps.
Sonja Kittel
Senior Consultant (NRW Office)
Lisa Kohn
Senior consultant
speaks fluent Lorem ipsum
Christian Looser
Senior Art Director
Carla Meyburg
Junior consultant (NRW Office)
Simon Michel
Junior consultant
Julia Molle
Senior consultant
Sophia Oberhuber
in his spare time chef with passion
Christoph Reiners
Data Analyst
Nicolas Reising
Amateur "Miss Marple" on all channels
Corinna Roth
Head of Office Management
helps people to tell their story
Christoph Schmale
Head of consulting
Recruiting? With the telephone avalanche!
Susanne Schmidt
Leitung HR
in spare time always dancing
Julia Schober
Senior consultant
discovers her garden always new
Silke Schuffenhauer
Senior Consultant
finds inner center in mountain, water and omm
Manuela Seidel
Head of Accounting & Controlling
Viva Colonia!
Ruth Skorka-Weiser
Office Management (NRW Office )
Coffee! Everything else tastes only wet.
Peer Ukleja
loves to paint and take pictures
Andreas Voelmle
Head of consulting
Felix von Esebeck
Junior consultant
Creativity knows no bounds - only deadlines
Benedict van Huelsen
Senior Consultant
straightens doormats in his spare time
Christian Wolfram
Head of consulting
Tina Zeinlinger
Consultant (NRW Office)
Book, books, most books
Maria Zettl

We are advised by an expert advisory board that thinks outside the box.

Sybille Geitel
Gabriele Kaminski
Melanie Stuetz